Sunday, March 8, 2015

That time I started a blog.

So, I've been a blog reader for many years and I always think... even if nobody reads their blog they have such an amazing diary of their life, their family, their random thoughts, goals etc.  so I've decided to start one too.

I'm sure no one will ever read it and that's ok. If they do, that's ok.  I'm not that interesting anyway. I'm not much of a DIYer, not a beauty guru, not a great cook, not an artist and I'm certainly not a health and fitness type of girl. There are lots of things that I'm not.

But I am a woman, a wife, a mom and a friend. I try to keep my house presentable. Try to cook dinner everyday. And try to keep my husband and daughter alive.  I'm doing the best I can. I'm still trying to figure myself out. I think that's my main goal here. Sort of a " think out loud experiment".

We'll see where it takes me.

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